便知道什麼是「科學怪人情結」( Frankenstein's Complex
























The Sigh of Mofither Sci-fi
                              Au thor(原著):   Hwang Hai           ( 黃海) 
                               Traslator( 譯者) : Chiang Tsu-chien(蔣祖茜)

February 1st, 2051. The most advanced scientists on earth arranged a secret experiment, for which I was to enter the collective unconscious of mankind, and search for an English woman named Mary Shelley—Mother Sci-fi of the world. It was hoped that I, as a science fiction novelist, could talk to her and learn the secret of her creation: Frankenstein. For more than two hundred years, this novel has accurately predicted the harsh results of scientific progress. Traces of Frankenstein can be seen in the thematic consciousness of nearly all serious sci-fi works.
At present, the intelligent robots that just went out of control on earth have caused a disaster worse than the one in the movie I, Robot. Perhaps Mary Shelley could provide an explanation which may give a few pointers.
Numerous electrodes connected to my brain and body, interlinked with the latest quantum computer model. In a daze, I saw a kaleidoscope of forms and faces drifting in the great void like ghosts and phantoms. Among them I recognized Isaac Asimov, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Hu Shih, Wu Ta-You, Mao Ze-dong, Sun Yat-sen, Deng Xiao-ping, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Yasunari Kawabata, Teresa Teng, Bruce Lee, Elvis Presley, John Wayne, and countless other people, animals, beasts, and creatures of all sorts, including the war veteran elephant Lin Wang, etc.
Isaac Asimov, the master of science fiction and popular science who’s written nearly five hundred books, was immensely intrigued by my visit. I inquired him on the whereabouts of Mother Sci-fi, but he had no clue either, and tagged along like my shadow.
Floating, flying over skyscrapers, bedrock layers, lakes and seas, soaring mountains and high peaks, through forests and colossal trees. Swift and brisk, twisting and turning lightning quick, searching, searching, searching.
“Hey, let’s head to Inferno Lake!” A pipe clamped between his teeth, the great Englishman Winston Churchill pointed to a red-blazed sky, under which numerous towering peaks jutted out here and there, and where many shiny gold snakes of flaming red lay coiled. Here magical faerie fires dashed to and fro, and I scurried about uncertainly, colliding with and bumping into all sorts of demons and spirits.
Then I saw him: Frankenstein, the monster as large as life right before my eyes, still-floating behind in the sea of the crowd. Frightened out of my wits, I fled in the other direction. After all, this land was made for me to fly about. I finally ducked into an iceberg, holding my breath and on the lookout for any signs of activity. A thought suddenly crossed my mind: Wasn’t this where Victor Frankenstein died after chasing the monster to the North Pole in the original novel?
The next second, allowing no further thoughts, Frankenstein seized me with both his hands, like the cat that got the mouse, and I couldn’t budge an inch. Asimov just stood there, watching with folded arms.
“Ha ha ha…we know why you’re here, look!” Frankenstein laughed joyfully though eerily, pointing to the miraculous sight suddenly transformed behind him…
In a wink, myriads of Frankensteins surrounded us from all directions. They had brought Mary Shelley and another female monster, leisurely standing in front of me.
Briefly I explained my purpose for coming here. Finally I asked, “What are your thoughts on the issue of robots controlling humans, which has caused much harm?”
“Thank you for coming to visit me…” Terribly upset and heartbroken, Mary Shelley spoke with sobs and sighs, “Today is my two hundredth anniversary of arriving at Inferno Lake…that’s why they let you visit… my novel has another version…which has been secretly published, and the plot was imitated…the bride that Victor created for Frankenstein…but in fact she hasn’t been destroyed…”
“Mary Shelley died on February 1st, 1851,” Asimov said under his breath, cutting in from aside.
“Oh. Mother Sci-fi, you mean Frankenstein has another ending?” I asked.
“Yes. The monster got married…had children, grandchildren…everywhere on earth and throughout the galaxy.”
“I see, no wonder…,” I remembered that a scientist had created a bride for Frankenstein in the original Frankenstein, but Victor was terrified of the horrifying results it would bring, so he destroyed the bride. Hatred and vengeance stirred in Frankenstein, and he killed Victor’s bride. The scientist tracked down the monster all the way to the North Pole, but died before reaching him.
“In the other version, the plot is reversed…,” Mary Shelley said dejectedly, “People in the science field continuously imitated the plot of my other version…finally leading to the robot disaster…and I’m doomed to one thousand years of torment in hell…”
Choking with sobs, Mary Shelley was unable to speak, and cried bitterly into my arms.
Aside, sci-fi writer Asimov grumbled angrily, “No wonder my Three Laws of Robotics can’t control robots!” (The End)


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