現在他的意識進入半朦朧半清醒的狀態。於是,縱使是小時候 遊玩時的一個偶然的跌跤,地上幾顆石頭的樣子,是爸爸媽媽在夜色迷人的庭院裡,抓著他的小手數星星時啍著的沒有歌詞的小調,他還是記得,還是記得,清清楚楚的身歷其境,而訴說著童年往事。有如唱針找到了古老記憶的紋路,發出原音。
「哇哇,」他哭了,是一長串稚嫩嬰兒般的聲音。他才生出來,脫離 親的身體,母親溫柔迷人的眼神看著他,還有微笑時的燦亮的臉,有如煦和可愛的陽光。
時光回流,他就像剛剛生下來時,拚命的鼓脹著胸部呼吸,大哭不 止。護士把他放入透明的保溫箱,許多剛剛降生的娃娃也在各自的玻璃房子裡,無聲無息的呼吸……
催眠師的話像風的呢喃和嘆息,繼續催促著,他意識的焦距固定了,終於看到了一輪燦爛的紅日,正貼近海平線,在海天連接之處 散射萬道霞光。
現在,他是個瘦弱年輕的爸爸,牽扶著太太和兩個寶貝子,擁擠在碼頭邊擁擠的逃難人群裡,巴望著即將進港的船隻,突然,聽見頭 頂上嗡嗡嗡響著,一群紅日記號的飛機低空掠過,一顆炸彈掉下來, 眼前一片血光和暗黑。
「哦,我被炸死了!」 他很驚恐的駭叫了起來,終至嚎啕大哭 ,那是某個前世一次悲慘的死亡的記憶。
「在時間的洪流中,每一世代的人生有如一個又一個的夢幻泡影 。」催眠師的聲音如風般的輕柔,穿越了他的意識底層,他繼續感受 到溫婉的推力,把他捲入時間的的漩渦中。
「再往前飛過去吧!探索生命的最初底蘊吧!一百年,一萬年 ,百萬年…」
眼前似乎是洪荒時代,到處都是穿著獸皮的原始人,大家聚集在 山洞裡。「他」現在是一個挺著大肚子的女人,在熊熊的火光中---
「她」靠坐在岩壁,兩腿張開,等待生產,而後,外面一陣吼叫吶喊 ,幾名穿著獸皮的男人衝進來,和裡面的幾個男人一陣廝殺毆鬥,她 被別的族人搶走了,在半路上她感到自己的下腹部爆裂開來,血流如 柱,她整個身體幾乎被撕開了。
「可憐的生命,離開做人的苦楚吧,再往前飛越過去,千萬年, 一億年,十億年…」
「再往宇宙的本源深處倒退疾行吧!意識再努力…再努力…到達最 初的三分鐘,兩分鐘,一分鐘……回到宇宙的開端…了解創造的奧祕吧!」
現在它是無垠的空間中以光速般倒退回流的粒子,朝著艷熒光暈的中心飛馳,它感到渾身火熱,就在抵達時間箭頭的起源之處,催眠 者的聲音要求它「越過開端」,頓時意識的畫面有如關掉電源的電視 成了空白虛無。
( 本文發表於中國時報《人間副刊》1993.5.16;《科學月刊》2006)
Author(原著): Hwang Hai ( 黃海)
Traslator( 譯者) : Chiang Tsu-chien(蔣祖茜)
“Take deep breaths, deep breaths…relax your body…relax every finger…”
“Relax your left and right thighs…left and right lower legs…every toe…relax your forehead…shoulders…take a deep breath…another deep breath…”
“Imagine there’s a beam of light in front of you…now count down…ten…nine…eight…seven…”
“Go back to the past, back to the past…when you were very, very young…”
Little by little his eyelids grew heavy, the voice of the hypnotist like the sound of the wind from a distant valley, his consciousness gradually dimming; traveling through the mists of time, following the soft, gentle call, back to the past, back to the past long, long ago…
Now his consciousness had entered into half soberness and half haziness. Thus, even an accidental fall in childhood when playing around, the shape and color of a few stones on the ground, the tunes with no lyrics his parents would hum when they held his small hand and counted the stars on a charming night in the yard, he still remembered, remembered, as if he were personally experiencing those events as clear as day, telling the childhood bygones. It was as if the stylus had found its groove of age-old memories, producing the original sound.
“Waa….waa…” He was crying, a long series of baby-like delicate sounds. He has just been born, just departed his mother’s body. With gentle, charming eyes his mother gazed upon him, and when she smiled her glowing face was like the warm, lovely sun.
Flowing back in time, it was as if he had just been born, bulging his chest as he struggled to breathe and crying nonstop. The nurse placed him in the transparent infant incubator. Many other just-born babies were also in their glass houses, quietly breathing…
“Go further back into the past, before your birth…go back to the many years before your birth…”
The words of the hypnotist were like the whispers and sighs of the wind, urging him on.
His consciousness focused, he finally saw the glorious red sun nestling in on the sea level, scattering brilliant rays of light from where the sky melted into the sea.
Now he was a young father of a thin build, holding and supporting his wife and two beloved sons as they crowded into the crowd of refugees beside the pier, anxiously waiting for the incoming ships. Suddenly, loud humming sounded from above: a troop of planes with red sun marks swooped low—a bomb dropped, then all was blood red, pitch dark.
“Oh my god, I’ve been blown to death!” In extreme terror he screamed out, ending with a loud wail. It was the memory of a tragic death of a past life.
“In the rushing torrent of time, life in each generation is like a pipe dream, one after another.” The hypnotist’s voice was as soft as the wind, passing through the very bottom of his consciousness. He continued to feel the gentle push, drawing him into the vortex of time.
“Fly further into the past! Explore the most profound of life’s beginning! A hundred years, ten thousand years, a million years…”
It appeared to be the time when the world was most primitive, and everywhere there were primitive men wearing animal skin. Everyone was gathered in a cave. “He” was now a pregnant woman, in the blazing fire—“she” was sitting against the wall, her legs wide open, waiting to give birth. Then, roars and bellows thundered from outside; several men in animal skins charged in, and after a good round of beating and thrashing, she was hauled away by people of another tribe. Halfway she felt her lower abdomen burst open; blood streamed out, and her whole body was nearly torn apart.
“Pitiful soul, leave the miseries of man, fly further on to the past, ten million years, a hundred million years, a billion years…”
“It” was now a plant standing at the mouth of a volcano at the bottom of the sea. After being tormented by fish of all sizes, so fragile it was that it had no strength for crying out.
“Move quickly back, into the depths where the origin of the universe lays! Don’t stop, consciousness…don’t stop…reach the third minute of when it began, the second, the first…back to the beginning of the universe…find the secret of creation!”
Now It is a particle, flowing backwards in the boundless space at the speed of light, dashing toward the center of the gorgeously dazzling halo of light. From head to toe It was fiery with heat, and just as it reached the point where the arrow of time had been let fly, the voice of the hypnotist requested it to “surpass the beginning”… in a flash the vision of the consciousness was like a television with the power switched off, blank and empty.
This was the umpteenth time this experiment has been conducted, yet still unable to pass that beginning void.
(科幻極短篇) 幽默大師再世 黃海
他已經八歲了,卻是個瘦小、易怒、霸道、不容易和人相處的孩 子。平常最喜歡打電動玩具,看漫畫書和卡通片,對書本可一點也沒 有興趣,根本看不出有可能成為未來的傑出人物,他的父母親很是操 心,有時候為了管教林語堂的拙劣行徑而吵得不可開交。
當初他的父親為他取了一個和中國的幽默大師語堂一樣的名字,就是因為他在娘胎裡,受了胎教,做母親的為了使孩子有傑出偉人的氣質,不斷的在讀林語堂的著作、學習大師的幽默談吐;而且他的爸 爸是個不苟言笑的人,媽媽脾氣也夠暴躁,兩個人在一起,常常像兩 顆炸彈一樣隨時引起可怕的爆炸;如果家裡有一個小孩像從前的幽默 大師林語堂一樣的甘草人物,一定可以調和這兩顆不定時炸彈,成為兩顆可愛飄飛的汽球。
老爸看看小傢伙實在不妙,就帶著小傢伙去拜訪超級電腦公司裡,把一百年前誕生的林語堂的英靈請了出來,這部超級電腦儲存了 林語堂的知識、思想、智慧,等於是林語堂的心靈還活在電腦裡面 ,只是林語堂沒有身體罷了。
「請問林語堂大師,我的兒子與您同名同姓,我的太太為了生他 ,也是以您做為胎教的藍本,為什麼就是不能像您一般出類拔萃,還 是一條可憐蟲、頑皮的小搗蛋?」
「那,那…」小林語堂的老爸口吃起來,他有被羞辱的感覺。他 再問了一些問題:「我和太太用盡所有的方法去教導他,希望他能夠 多像您一點,就是不知道為什麼總是失…」喋喋不休的說了幾十 分鐘他的教育觀念,好像沒完沒了。
「不錯,老兄,你的『生活的藝術』,難道就是『無所不談』? 談得未免太多了!」電腦裡林語堂的聲音就是一貫的溫文爾雅,電腦 螢光幕突然閃了幾閃,放射出幾道強光,老爸一時為之目盲,幾乎嚇 呆了。
原來兒子讀到螢光幕上出現的一句話,正是林語堂的名言:「演 講要像女人的裙子一樣,越短越好!」(完)